by RCCI | Apr 26, 2017 | Education
My final write up for the Month of April . I would like to thank all our readers who liked and shared our page. This week, I am writing a piece that I am sure will be of interest to parents of undergraduates, prospective undergraduates and postgraduate university...
by RCCI | Apr 19, 2017 | Education
What are the GCSE/GCE (A level) Examinations? These are external examinations taken at the end of Year 11 (key stage 4) and Year 13 (key stage 5) in the United Kingdom. These examinations are important in determining the next steps in your child’s academic path....
by RCCI | Apr 11, 2017 | Education
I had an amazing response from last week’s post and this week, I am excited to share more on the how you can support your child/children during exams. We will be looking at the 11 plus ( 11+) common entrance exams and I will be providing guide and tips for...
by RCCI | Apr 11, 2017 | Education
I had an amazing response from last week’s post and this week, I am excited to share more on the how you can support your child/children during exams. We will be looking at the 11 plus ( 11+) common entrance exams and I will be providing guide and tips for...
by RCCI | Apr 5, 2017 | Education
Spring is finally here and I am excited about this new month. April is looking to be a promising month not just for us, but our children as they prepare for their exams. This month, I will be having a guest writer, Yetunde Agbesanwa, a seasoned educationist , fully...
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