What we need

Please support us in providing the following for the disadvantaged children in our community


  • Medical care, especially dental and eye care
  • School supplies, exercise books, pens, pencils, rulers, maths sets, backpacks and more.
  • Hygiene products, toothpaste, tootbrushes, sanitary wear etc.
  • Uniforms, shoes, cheap digital wristwatches (not smartwatches)

What you get

No value can be placed on changing the live of a child for the better. However we offer our corporate and individual sponsors the following:


  • Corporate visibility through co-branding where this is economically feasible
  • Website listing as sponsors – with corporate name and logo
  • Mentions in our social media postings and blogs
  • Both individuals and corporate bodies are also offered photo opportunities with the children if they wish (subject to the necessary child protection rules and permissions

To discuss sponsorship please get in touch with us

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