The Eco Book Project for all Primary and Secondary Schools in Lagos State
The ECO BOOKS PROJECT involves the production of books the Environment, its challenges, Global Warming, the menace of Climate Change and the Protection of the Environment. The books are produced for primary and Secondary schools respectively.
There are currently 3,400 (Three thousand Four hundred ) public and private primary and secondary schools in Lagos State( culled from Lagos State Schools on-line project). A projection of the total school population is 2,228,090. We are producing these books and giving them free to every child in the following Strata- Ages 3-6yrs, Ages 7- 11yrs, Ages 12 and above.
The Book Project is totally Private Organisation driven. All that goes into the production of the book is done gratis by the private sector as part of their positive and meaningful contribution to the Lagos State Government’s efforts at providing Education for Sustainable Development of our State and Our Nation, Nigeria. The books were written by TEACH RIGHT NIG/UK LTD.