My thoughts on Orphans

by | Oct 18, 2015 | Community, Parenting | 0 comments

My thoughts on Orphans
Orphans who are they? A child whose parents are dead or a child who has been deprived of parental care and never adopted. One orphan we all know and love is Little Orphan Annie, a famous cartoon character with movie named after her.
But are there any real people who were orphaned and became famous? Plenty! Despite less than ideal beginnings, plenty of orphans have gone on to become famous adults.
• The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was an orphan.
• Nelson Mandela, president of South Africa, raised as a ward
• Marilyn Monroe, entertainer, raised in orphanage and foster care
• Steven Paul Jobs, Apple Computer founder and executive, orphaned as an infant.
• Moses, major prophet in Christianity orphaned as an infant.
Also we have been entertained by orphans; blues singer Bessie Smith and Ice-T, famous gangsta rapper was orphaned.
The list goes on of famous orphans/famous people who spent part of their childhood years in orphanage who grew up to become athletes, politicians, actors, playwrights and TV producers.
What does this tell us? That no one’s life is disposable or invaluable, and that no matter what environment a person comes from, they can rises above humble beginnings and become major contributors to society.
The number of children who live and sleep on the streets has been on the increase in most areas in Nigeria. They can be found living under bridges, in public toilets and in markets.
Why? Poverty level in the country is high. We can all make a difference. We will literally need all hands on deck for us to be able to complete this project. We have got to face the challenge of solving Nigeria’s problem by Nigerians. We know that with the right support and a little belief even the most vulnerable children can turn their lives around. There are things we can do to help an orphan child become all he/she can be in this life. Adopt a child, sponsor a child, partner with Winnes Castle, or make a donation.
We owe it to society to look after orphans because we never know who that child will grow up to be, maybe with a little positive influence from us, the child might grow up to be famous.
We also owe it to God in scriptures James 1:27″Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”